Announcing ByeMC Ads


YOUR AD HERE // i want your money

For a while now, I’ve been wanting to put ads on my website. I don’t really have any active projects and could do with a bit of extra income. I don’t want to use an ad network because I don’t want advertisements to be intrusive, or track you around the web. So naturally, I built my own ad thingy.

I’ve been rebuilding my site for the past few weeks,1 and realised I could place a tiny (200x45) ad spot in the footer. So I did.

People who donate €1 or more will be able to send me their advertisement which will be valid for the remainder of that month, plus if more than a week has passed, the entirety of the next month.

The actual internals of how the ad “network” works isn’t very exciting. On my server I created a database that holds all ads, active or inactive. Then PHP code simply makes a MySQL request for all active ads and returns one at random, inserting it into JavaScript.

Anyway, I’ll be back with some good updates soon™.

  1. Yes yes new website 


Comment system is a WIP. Check back soon!